Thursday, February 16, 2012

Time and time again

It seems no matter how well I seem to be at blogging and how on point I make it to blog every day or maybe just even once a week. After a while, I simply get caught up in work, friends, family etc. There comes a time where I simply just f.or.g.e.t.

Well, lets see where to's been several months since my last update...

And well, Bart and I have moved back to Hampton Roads area, and I honestly, couldn't be more happier!
I'll look back at old facebook posts , made this time last year, or even read some older blog posts I made while living there, but I can truly say I've never felt more on point in my life than right now. I feel like Bart and I are making a very responsible decision and have been living with his parents temporarily to save some money to put towards a house, pay off some debt, and try and get some things we wanted to before we move out/have kids. (tattoos, computers etc)
As tough as it may be from time to time living with his parents, not having out own space, privacy etc., I know it'll pay off in the end. I can't wait for it!

Spending a lot of time with the Nolette's and with Rose. It's become like my second home. Or shall I say third? Considering the home I am referring to now isn't mine....anyways. I can't believe how close we all have become. All of us have been friends for many years, but never have been this close before. I think we've all grown and matured so much, we seem to have similar goals and are just on the same page in general. I absolutely love going over there and hearing "HI MELISSA!, COME SIT ON THE COUCH WITH ME" from Joshua, and the ever-so-sweet "Sasa"(although most times sounds like "papa" )from Shiloh, while running up to my leg and giving me hugs. Those are the best kids and I genuinely love spending time over there.

Working has been an okay transition. I started off at Petsmart in NY, got a transfer to the one here closest to where I live and has been fine. Sure, it was hard not seeing the familiar faces I was used to see every day, and having to get used to all the different faces, and personalities and attitudes from the people here. But I think overall I've adjusted fairly well. My hours are not very good here, but I am making due. Its just a job at the end of the day. Nothing I need to take home with me and stress about.

This has gotten quite longer than I anticipated, so I'll try and wrap things up on a positive note. I simply am just so excited about what the next few months have to offer. The Spring, Summer, moving out, going to the beach with the kids, seeing Joshua excel in therapy, hearing Shiloh form full sentences, enjoying my time with Bart, looking for a place to live, decorating how I've always wanted,( and never have) getting my half sleeve done, getting a dog, taking weekend getaways ETC ETC.

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